We appreciate your consideration to sponsor the R.I.S.E. agency. R.I.S.E. became a nonprofit agency July 1, 2014. We support at-Promise, low-income youth in the city of Berkeley. Most of our youth are first generation college students and newcomers. Our goal is that every student is eligible for the college of their choice, with scholarships. We assist the families with legal, financial and medical support. We feel the success of the youth positively impacts the future of the family.
Wish List For RISE Agency
- Line, graph, construction, printer paper
- Rulers, protractors, compasses, scissors, pencils, pens, markers, paper clips, electronic pencil sharpener, glue sticks, Elmer’s glue
- Graphing calculators
- Dictionaries (Spanish, English, French, Mandarin)
- Snacks for tutorial (i.e. granola bars, fruit chews, fruit, etc.)
- Laptops for student access to technology in tutorial
- Desktop for student access to technology in the RISE office
- Ink cartridges for HP 4000N or HP 5000N LaserJet, and Canon MX310 printers
- S.A.T. software
- Books from Scholastic (i.e. Tears of a Tiger, Forged by Fire, Darkness before Dawn)
- Volunteer tutors, mentors
- Presentations on different career paths
Other resources for students
- Food items such as frozen meals, frozen burritos, peanut butter & jelly and bread, bagel and cream cheese etc.
- Back packs
- Youth Bart passes, bus passes
- Vans for college tours and youth activities
- Hotel or overnight accommodations for college tours in Southern California
- S.A.T. Princeton Review course for senior students. (Approximate cost $6,000)
- Food for clinical sessions (two sessions a week)
Cuauhtli Mitotiani Mexica (Native Youth Group)
- Feathers
- Material for regalia
- Carbon for chalice
- Leather for drums
- Vans for transportation to presentations and ceremonies
Agency Needs
- Auditor consultant/services
- Accountant consultant/services
- Quick books software
- Quick books software training